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Chord Progression (1-5-6-4)  
  Lick Info  |  Tutorial  |  Tab  |  Rate  |  Share
Chord Progression (1-5-6-4) - Robert Renman       mp3
 Lick Info
 Tutorial & Tab: Robert Renman
  Audio Clip from the Tutorial
 Rated: ( 4 ) |


Key E - 4/4 Time
Here is perhaps one of the most common chord
progression in popular music:

Key E:
E, B, C#m, A


Key A:
A, E, F#m, D

Key B:
B, F#, G#m, E

Key C:
C, G, Am, F

Key D: 
D, A, Bm, G

Key E:
E, B, C#m, A

Key F:
F, C, Dm, A#

Key G:
G, D, Em, C
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